Techincom 6SH117


The 6sh117 is the most popular vest, it can be worn either over a plate carrier or a body armor, or simply without anything if you want to be light. You can also use it by putting a vest on top, to use only the belt part. With a lot of MOLLE material, this jacket is very clearly adaptable to all kinds of situations, ideal for airsoft or other outdoor practice.

Brand :  Techincom ( Ratnik Kit gear supplier )

Techincom is a well known brand, they equip all the gear of the Ratnik kit. All the equipment of this brand is considered indestructible and rustic. This is a must have for anyone who wants to have an airsoft outfit reproducing regular army units.

Weight N/A

Atacs FG, EMR, EMR Syria, Multicam, OD

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